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Advantages of Changing Your HVAC Air Filter

Changing your HVAC air filter will give your system an energy efficiency boost. Without a filter, your HVAC system will have to work harder to push air through its system, which increases your energy bill. Therefore, routinely changing your filter will result in lower energy bills and greater efficiency. In addition, changing your hvac air filter housing will prolong the life of your HVAC system.

Reduces Energy Costs

If you’re looking to cut down on HVAC costs, invest in a higher-efficiency air filter. While higher-efficiency filters tend to consume more energy than their lower-efficiency counterparts in the home, they still save between 60 and 80% of the total cost of ownership. You can save a few dollars by purchasing filters on a unit-price basis, but the overall cost of HVAC will remain the same. 

Researchers conducted several tests to assess the impact of HVAC air filters on energy use. First, they monitored the energy use of several filters in a heating and cooling system. They compared the energy use of HVAC systems when the filters were clean to those that were dirty. For each filter, the researchers compared the energy consumption at the start and end of the test period.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

The air quality inside your home is essential for a healthy environment, especially if you have allergies. The air in your home may be full of dust, pollen, and other contaminants that can aggravate your symptoms. The good news is that eliminating these particles can make your home more comfortable. You can also consider installing a portable air cleaner to filter the air in your home. This can also help you reduce the amount of dust in your home.

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Several factors contribute to indoor air pollution, including dust, allergens, fire retardants, and radon. Many healthcare facilities have a high prevalence of air pollutants, and improving indoor air quality can benefit staff and patients. It can also improve the overall experience for visitors. If you’re planning to build a hospital or medical facility, you should take steps to improve air quality.

Another way to improve indoor air quality is to install indoor plants. Indoor plants can reduce air pollutants and improve your home’s decor. Palm trees and small plants are good options because they can pull pollutants from the air.

Reduces Allergies

If you have asthma or allergies, an HVAC air filter can help you breathe easier. A HEPA-rated filter can trap problem allergens and help reduce your symptoms. These filters can be a part of your heating and air system or a standalone device. Some people also use a personal air scrubber to filter the air of pollutants and mold. These products are increasingly popular among home wellness experts.

The air in our homes is full of small agitating particles that trigger allergies. Pollen, pet dander, and mold spores are all examples. These can irritate our allergies, and HVAC systems can help reduce these allergens. It’s also a good idea to change your air filter every season.

Aside from the air filter, a homeowner can also control relative humidity in their home. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers help control this environment. The humidity level in a home should be around 45 to 55 percent. If the humidity is too high, it can encourage mold growth and cause particles to remain airborne.

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Extends Life of HVAC System

A well-functioning HVAC system is essential to keeping your home cool and comfortable. These units run all year long, sometimes night and day, so it’s important to take care of them properly to prolong their life. One easy way to improve the system’s life is by changing the air filter, a relatively inexpensive and simple process you can do yourself.

It’s also helpful to regular schedule tune-ups. You can find maintenance plans through most HVAC companies. These services will include a checkup of your furnace or air conditioning system, as well as your ductwork, and will also determine whether it needs repair. These routine tune-ups can make your HVAC system run more efficiently and last longer.

As your HVAC system ages, it loses efficiency, which raises your utility bills. It also increases the likelihood that it will need emergency repairs. Fortunately, HVAC technology is progressing, and newer models will have more features and be more energy efficient.